Fernwood Village
Fernwood is a modern Village on the outskirts of Newark on Trent. It currently has over 1000 homes, a Village Hall and a clock tower. Details on further housing developments in the area can be found by following this <LINK>
There are numerous facilities available in and around the Fernwood area. These include shops, schools, child care, a commercial business park, a wellness centre, gym, a pub and a 60 bed care home. Details of the various facilities available within the Fernwood Village area can be found by following this <LINK>
There are plenty of leisure facilities in Fernwood with tennis courts, football pitches, a children's playground, a trim trail, a meadow, and wooded areas providing habitats for a variety of wildlife. It also has a bat tunnel and an area of rare grasses.
The future developments planned for Fernwood will not only bring more housing to the area but will also include another school, more sports facilities, more public open spaces and possibly an area for allotments.
Fernwood Central Residents Association exists to represent and for the benefit of those who live in the area defined as Central Fernwood. A key part of its activities are associated with the maintenance of the open spaces within Fernwood that are privately maintained, and paid for by the home owners of Central Fernwood.
FCRA can be contacted by email at this address: fernwoodra@duck.com

Click here for a street map of Fernwood : Map of Fernwood
Click here for zoomable aerial view of Fernwood : https://map.openaerialmap.org/#/-0.7681632041931152,53.04755997348553,16?resolution=high&_k=9zf4kc