Fernwood Recreation
Some of the recreation facilities on offer in Fernwood include:
- An 8 station Trim Trail that was constructed with the aid of Lottery funding.
- Children's Play Area
- Football Pitch
- Tennis Courts (Fernwood Central Residents Only)
- Petanque Pitch - See Below
- Youth Shelter
- Nature Trail
- Bird hide and bat shelter

The Petanque pitch is run by the Fernwood Petanque and Boccia Club.
Petanque is played on the village green piste. Newcomers are welcome to come along, give it a try - it costs nothing for 3 games. No experience is needed & spare boules are available to use.
Yearly membership is £10
Club members play all year round (weather permitting) on Mondays & Fridays at 11am - 12-30 ish, and in the summer on Sundays 2-4pm
The club also organises games of Boccia which is played on Wednesdays at the salvation hall from 11am – 1pm
These games are addictive, friendly but most of all fun
Please contact either: John - 07578 805905 or Brenda - 07806 755603